

Good morning everyone and welcome to motivational Mondays! This week I am back in Houston...I was hoping to have a video for you all but this weeks exercise does not really need my face! You can do these on your own...try one or try them all.

HIIT is code for high intensity interval training....this means short cardio bursts, high fat burning and high calorie burning in the shortest time possible!

Ever get bored of running on the treadmill or jogging in the park? Walking in the neighborhood or doing an hour spin class? Well HIIT training can be a great way to get an amazing workout in about 20 minutes or so!

So here are a few routines for HIIT...add these routines 3-4 days a week along with your ab routine and weight routine. You can do one routine or try all of them on different days of the week! This is a great addition to your workout that will allow you to burn more fat and calories than a regular cardio routine!

Good luck and stay motivated!!!

HIIT routine #1

1. Run as fast as you can on the treadmill for 30 seconds and rest for 10 seconds..repeat this for a total of 15 times

2. Jump rope for 30 seconds, rest for 10 seconds...repeat this 15 times

3. Do 20 squats, 20 push ups, and 20 crunches, rest 20 seconds...repeat 8 times

HIIT routine #2

***do all four of these as fast as you can**
20 Pushups
20 Squats
20 High Knees
20 Burpees
Repeat these 4 exercises 5 times through, resting 30 seconds after each round
**examples of these exercises are on last weeks blog**

HIIT routine #3

**do all 8 exercises before you rest, do them 30 seconds each**

mountain climbers
squat jumps
Jumping jacks
High knees
mountain climbers
squat jumps
REPEAT this circuit 4 times through

Have a great week and stay motivated my friends!!!


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    Check out my YouTube channel for video blogs and sample workouts
