Good morning readers on this 1st day of April...this is not an April Fools post!! I actually want you to complete the exercise!!!

Today i wanted to discuss a little about cardio. Since i will be doing another 1/2 marathon this week i wanted to talk about the different aspects of cardio today on this motivational Monday!!

People ask me ALL of the time, if the reason i stay fit is from running, or cardio, or diet?? My honest answer...is that you will have the body you want by doing 30% exercise and 70% diet!!! I know this may sound extreme but truly this is the reason. You can jog all day but if you eat terrible, you are just scratching the surface of the crap you are piling up on your body!

I am a BIG fan of cardio as a fat burning exercise, but i do not attribute my body to simply running 1/2 marathons and marathons! Running is my favorite form of cardio...but it is NOT a fast fat burner! You can spend hours on the treadmill just to burn the same amount of calories in a spin class, or a boxing workout, or even hardcore weight and circuit training. 

When i run a 1/2 marathon i usually burn about 1600 calories...i would need to double this amount just to lose 1 pound of fat! If i just jog a mile, i am usually only burning 94 calories per mile. 

So...at the end of the day simply just running ever so often and eating your normal high calorie and fat diet will not make you thinner and will not tone your body.

So what will work??

1.) Start eating a lower calorie diet, high in protein, good fats, and good carbs. This would include lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and lots and lots of water. 

2.) Get cardio in often!!! Try and do some form of cardio 30-45 minutes a day, This can be the bike, treadmill, jogging out doors, fast pace walking out doors, the elliptical, etc. Since one pound of fat is 3500 calories....if you just burn 500 calories a day with the correct calorie intake...you can burn a pound of fat a week!!! Much easier and healthier than the occasional jog and terrible diet! 

3.) Train and tone. To help in your cardio blast, try lifting some weights and engaging in some circuit training. Look back over the motivational Mondays and see some weight exercises you can do!!!

I am a big fan of cardio, but i am asked all the time if thats my secret....it aids tremendously in my complete look and feel but cardio alone will not do your body the justice it deserves. You've got to include a great diet and toning exercises along with your cardio.

And for all those that continue to ask if my marathons make me skinny...no!! They do not, i only burn 1/2 a pound of fat in 2 and 1/2 hours of running! Its so much better and healthier for you to spend your whole week taking time out for a good cardio session. So get out this week, get better, get healthier, and take 30 minutes out of each day if you can to burn some fat!!!

Stay motivated y'all!

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