Good morning readers! It's Monday...and tomorrow is my birthday so I thought that I would motivate you all on "cheating"!

I'm sure the title got your attention but what it really means is cheating on your diet & healthy lifestyle!!!

I see SO many clients, and those that I work with on online coaching, decide that if they are good all week that they will have a cheat day...let me explain this...

If you burn 500 calories a day, 7 days a week, that's 1 pound of fat...if you subtract one of those days with a cheat meal, you will have eaten your entire week worth of calories burned!!! That sounds terrible right????

How bad do you want to lose the weight and be healthy? How bad do you want this lifestyle? Just like the photo says "don't reward yourself with food, you are not a dog!"

Since tomorrow is my birthday, I will love & indulge in a cupcake!!! With those 500 calories from that cupcake...that will be my only cheat for the week! I can still burn plenty from my other workouts & meals!

It's important to think of the big picture, not just a little cheat meal. One bad meal did not make you fat & one good meal will not make you skinny.

Work hard everyday for this lifestyle, do not reward yourself daily with food...instead, have a treat for special occasions, like your birthday! Or a special dinner date. No need to "cheat" each week if you can resist! Have a dessert here and there, have some chips and dip here and need to completely restrict, and no need to reward with food! A happy medium of the two leads to successful weight loss & successful life changes!

I am so going to enjoy my birthday cupcake!!!

Stay motivated to be the best you and ill see you all next week!


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